Membership Benefits


The propeller repair, sales, service and manufacturing industry is a highly specialized and critical segment of the boating industry, which in the US alone has a more than $23 billion economic impact., The people who work in this industry are uniquely talented with highly specialized skillsets and they are hard working.

Joining NMPA immediately provides you [whether you’re a small business owner running a repair shop, or an associated company with interests in this segment] the sense that you are not alone. It offers a network of like-minded talented professionals who are willing to share knowledge and experience to strengthen their businesses and their industry. You will be a part of something bigger with opportunities to learn as well as to contribute.

We promote safety and provide training.

The NMPA Annual Convention has for many years served as the venue for education and training through seminars, technical and technological presentations and open information sharing among members. Additionally, training and information is available through the NMPA Certification program. By becoming certified you are proclaiming your technical capabilities via written and peer reviewed practical examinations. You are enhancing public trust in the standards and quality of your workmanship and that of all other certified members of NMPA. Certification is available in Aluminum, Stainless and Inboard propeller repair. Certifications and the NMPA Suggested Operating Guidelines are developed by the NMPA Certification Committee.

We monitor industry for regulatory and legislative impacts.

Regulations are a part of business and may sometimes be necessary to ensure equity, standards, quality and safety. However, when regulations go beyond needed guidelines or are unnecessarily burdensome it can hurt small businesses like NMPA Members. We monitor regulations and laws and keep members updated on changes that might impact them.

Are you ready...?

We encourage member b2b and offer a rebate program.

Membership discounts through member B2B relationships are common in the NMPA, in addition to association facilitated programs such as the RS Hughes Member Rebate Program. Members can earn an annual rebate on consumable products purchased throughout the year that can either be paid out, or applied to the member’s annual dues.

We are pursuing a comprehensive marketing program.

Starting in mid-2019, NMPA is embarking on a comprehensive marketing program to better educate the boating public about the importance and value of using certified NMPA professionals, and to  promote the association, membership and certification. The campaign will incorporate online and social media marketing in addition to direct-to-business and direct-to-consumer media initiatives.

Apply Today!

Join today to be part of a a special group of professionals committed to higher standards, business development, enhancement of technical skills and constant improvement in the propeller industry.