[Las Vegas, NV December 14, 2023] – The National Marine Propeller Association (NMPA) is pleased to announce the results of the 2023 – 2024 Elections for its Board of Directors, held during the Annual Meeting at the 2023 NMPA Annual Marine Propulsion Expo in Fort Lauderdale, FL. In accordance with the NMPA By-Laws, the slate of candidates for Officer and Board of Director positions were presented to the members, and the election results disclosed on Saturday, December 9th, 2023.

With five seats to be filled there were five candidates presented by the Nominating Committee for three Director positions, one Treasurer/Secretary role, and one Vice President role. With no additional nominees from the floor at the Annual Meeting, the candidates were elected uncontested and the NMPA Board of Directors is delighted to announce the following individuals who have been elected to these key roles for the next two years:

  • Stew Foster, Prop Masters Inc (Airdrie, Alberta, Canada) – Vice President
  • Brian Cann, Henry H. Smith Co. (Algonac, Michigan) – Treasurer/Secretary
  • Cory Baumann, Baumann Propellers (Houston, Texas) – Director
  • George Peter, Cool Breeze Marine (Osage Beach, Missouri) – Director
  • Greg Sharrow, Sharrow Marine (St. Clair Shores, Michigan) – Director

These accomplished professionals represent a diverse range of expertise within the marine propeller industry, and their commitment to advancing the goals and objectives of the NMPA is commendable. They will be joining these current Board Members who were elected in 2022 and are starting the second year of their terms of service:

  • Mike Jones, Coastal Propeller Service (Bridge City, Texas) – President
  • Jody Bell, Osborne Propeller, (Langley, British Columbia, Canada) – Director
  • Kevin Mitchell, Frank & Jimmie’s Propeller (Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Director
  • Tim Hayman, Michigan Wheel (Grand Rapids, Michigan) – Director

NMPA President Mike Jones said, “I’m very pleased to welcome Cory Baumann and Greg Sharrow to the Board, congratulate George Peter on his reelection, and commend Stew Foster and Brian Cann for stepping up and into new Executive Board roles.” He added, “This Board is formed at a very critical moment for our industry and our association. I’m looking forward to charting a new course and era for our organization with this group of business leaders.” Darren Prouty of Precision Propeller in Spokane, Washington retired following a long term of service as a member of the NMPA Board of Directors. Jones thanked Darren Prouty for his contributions in areas of Convention planning, Certification and educational and professional development. He said, “Darren has been a fixture in NMPA and his energy and passion for the association and the business will be missed.”

About the National Marine Propeller Association

Founded in 1992, the NMPA addresses the unique needs and interests of propeller repair shops in the recreational marine industry. The association fosters community, facilitates learning, and enhances industry standards through training and certification. The Annual Marine Propulsion Expo serves as a premier forum for achieving these objectives. For more information, visit or call 954-880-3588.